Kaylie Grace
Instagram: @purelykaylie | purelykaylie.com

What Does Wellness Mean to You?
To me, wellness means daily movement, wholesome meals and positive thinking.
Go Nuts! Homemade Almond Milk
I recommend creating your own almond milk rather than purchasing it at the store. It’s extremely easy to make, tastes delicious and doesn’t have any of those additives you may find in the store-bought versions.
Spice-aholics Unite! Hot Hot Hot!
I’m a spice-aholic. I add chili powder to nearly every savory dish I create. It’s a must-have in my kitchen!
Kitchen Hack?
A sharp knife is essential! It makes chopping fruits and veggies so much easier. There’s nothing worse than a dull knife when it comes to preparing a meal.
Ingredients You Love for Detoxing or Cleansing?
I swear by turmeric. It’s great for the liver and inflammation!
Latest Food Discovery?
Edible flowers! They are so beautiful on top of smoothie bowls. Surprisingly, most are filled with tons of nutrients.
Blue Ocean Smoothie Recipe
1 fresh kiwi fruit
2 frozen bananas
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tbsp lime juice
2 tsp blue spirulina
1 cup coconut water

Peel 2 ripe bananas and set in the freezer overnight. Combine frozen bananas, kiwi fruit, hemp seeds, lime juice, blue spirulina and coconut water in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
Sweet Pink Smoothie Bowl Recipe
2 frozen bananas
1 cup frozen raspberries
2 tsp white chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla powder
1 cup coconut milk
Fruit, nuts, seeds or granola
Peel 2 ripe bananas and set in the freezer overnight. Combine frozen bananas, raspberries, white chia seeds, vanilla powder and coconut milk in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. Transfer the smoothie into a bowl and top with your favorite fruits, nuts, seeds or granola. Enjoy!